Beijing Tianxi International Travel Service Co., Ltd.
Beijing TianxiInternational Travel Service Co., Ltd. (Tianxi Travel), a component of theTianxi International Group, is fully-licensed travel service company operatingforeign in-bound tours and providing full travel service to Chinese clients goingoverseas with high quality requirements.
Established in2008, with a core team formed by 20 plus experienced travel experts, TianxiTravel boasts of its reputation for expertise, quality, efficiency and credibility:
based on a teamof experienced managers in their mid 40s, younger professional joined us getsufficient training in the business by frequent travels for site studies in additionto the normal classroom courses. Together, their experience and constantlyrefreshed new skills and knowledge, guaranteed great travel experience forevery one of our customer.
Tianxi Traveldoes not officially have a sales/marketing division, nor does it advertise in publicmedia, it’s all by word of mouth. As a matter of fact, it has to, from time totime, turn down some walk-in clients shopping for low/cheap products, in orderto focus on its key high-quality travel products geared for medium to high-endclients.
from visaapplication preparation to airport VIP immigration clearance, from discountedfirst/business class air tickets, to private jet charter, from internationalluxury brand to local boutique hotels, tours and meetings, Tianxi Travel’sglobal network takes care of its clients in hundreds of destinations worldwide.
the abovementioned 20 plus member core team, with over 20 years operation, never hasbeen challenged with any serious quality complaints or disputes over paymentswith either suppliers or customers. Tianxi Travel’s always “prepay” policyassures suppliers to get their payment in time to secure good rates and its “post-payment”policy for customers relieves them from quality concerns.